While it is possible to overcome many of these, the tradeoffs exist by default and can be seen over and over.

  1. Validating a helpless / victim narrative vs. cutting against it.

    1. Ex., you should just do the thing that will get you what you want - your excuses be damned. Makes people feel invalidated.
  2. Conformity / Tradition / Security vs. Self Direction / Freedom / Novelty / Challenge

  3. Benevolence / Universalism / Inclusiveness / Communal vs. Power / Achievement / Dominance / Systematicity

    1. Between sources of meaning
  4. Love & Family vs. Mission & Goals

  5. Agreeableness vs. Disagreeableness

  6. Introversion vs. Extroversion

  7. Openness vs. Conscientiousness

  8. Conscientiousness vs. Creativity

    1. Accountability vs. Creativity

    2. Measurability vs. Creativity

    3. Regimentedness vs. Creativity

    4. Consistency vs. Creativity

  9. Vulnerability vs. Conviction

  10. Wartime CEO vs. Peacetime CEO

  11. Freedom vs. Cohesion

  12. Yin (Zen, Alignment) vs Yang (Force, Effort)

  13. Bias vs. Variance

  14. Exploration vs. Exploitation

  15. Simplicity vs. Complexity

  16. Loneliness vs Freedom

  17. Thinking vs. Doing

  18. Authenticity vs. Self-Awareness

  19. Big Picture vs. Detail Oriented

  20. Seriousness vs. Playfulness

  21. Literal vs. Emotional

  22. Ego vs. Vulnerability

    1. Conviction vs. Vulnerability

    2. Action vs. Vulnerability

    3. Sphere of Control vs. Vulnerability

  23. Inadequacy sense vs. Understanding / Acclimation

  24. Attention vs. Awareness

  25. Compartmentalization vs. Integration

  26. Humbleness vs. Arrogance

    1. Groundedness vs. Expansive Vision
  27. Stability vs Growth

  28. Systemizing vs. Empathizing

    1. (Thing orientedness vs. people orientedness)
  29. Fox vs Hedgehog

  30. High vs low expectations

  31. Indoctrination vs. Ungroundedness, taking assumptions vs. questioning assumptions

  32. Power vs. Empathy

  33. Living in the Now vs. in the Past, Present and Future

  34. Open Mindedness vs. Assertiveness

  35. Judgement and Acceptance

    1. Tough Love as paradoxical