By Jeremy Nixon []. Nov. 2017. Categories: Domain in which the paper’s innovation is novel.

  1. Reinforcement Learning
    • Multi-Agent
    • Exploration
    • Imitation Learning
  2. Deep Learning
  3. Memory
  4. Program Learning
  5. Representation Learning
  6. Variational Inference
  7. Generative Models
  8. Evolution
  9. Applications
    • Security / Safety
    • Robotics
  10. Environments

  11. Reinforcement Learning
  12. Deep Learning
  13. Memory
  14. Program Learning
  15. Representation Learning
  16. Variational Inference
  17. Generative Models
  18. Evolution
  19. Applications
  20. Environments

OpenAI Researchers

  1. Paul Christiano
  2. Ryan Lowe
  3. Jean Harb
  4. Pieter Abbeel
  5. Igor Mordatch
  6. Matthias Plappert
  7. Rein Houthooft
  8. Prafulla Dhariwal
  9. Szymon Sidor
  10. Richard Y. Chen
  11. Xi Chen
  12. Marcin Andrychowicz
  13. John Schulman
  14. Alec Radford
  15. Rafal Jozefowicz
  16. Yan Duan
  17. Bradly C. Stadie
  18. Jonathan Ho
  19. Jonas Schneider
  20. Ilya Sutskever
  21. Wojciech Zaremba
  22. Rachel Fong
  23. Josh Tobin
  24. Alex Ray
  25. Nikhil Mishra
  26. Ian Goodfellow
  27. Tim Salimans
  28. Diederik P. Kingma
  29. Andrej Karpathy
  30. Yuri Burda
  31. Zain Shah
  32. Trevor Blackwell
  33. Vicki Cheung

Salaries of top employees [Pg. 28] Hours & Salaries of top employees [Pg. 7] OpenAI spent 11 million in 2016, 7 million on salary. For comparison, Deepmind spend 138 million in 2016.